Sunday, January 11, 2009

The cake says it all

Cake lady: "Welcome, Per?"
Sonali: "Yes, that's right"
Cake lady: "And how do you spell Per?"
Sonali: "P-e-r"
Cake lady (as she writes in icing): "P-e-r..."
- Long pause -
Cake lady: "And then what?"
Sonali: "That's it."
Cake lady: "That's it?"
Sonali: "Yes, that's all there is."

1 comment:

Cassi said...

That's hilarious! But man was that good cake!

The pictures on here are priceless and I can't wait to see more. (By the way, we should talk sometime about blog templates. You've only been on here a couple of weeks and you've already figured out more than I have in a year. Sigh)