Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No longer a zero

Per turned one today - successfully completing his first lap around the sun. Anxious for FCI photos (full cake immersion), we got the most brightly colored cake we could find. Things looked promising: Per was ready to go...

Grandparents were present via Skype...

The neighborhood crowd was assembled...

Per shows interest (FCI imminent)...

First sign that things are going awry...

Per makes a break for it...

FCI fail.

Regroup. Move to new location. Distract subject with present opening.

Roll out the cake again...

This time bait cake with familiar food...

Cake rejected, foiled again!

Per settles for ice cream instead...

Minor sugar high achieved. Party not a total failure.

Upon being asked how big he is (now that he is one), Per exaggerates.
He gets away with it because it's his special day.